Colors Of Rutin Chickens

My rutin chickens are still being raised in my neighbor’s house because I am afraid that if I am too small to raise them, I will not be able to update the chicken’s dynamics.

My rutin chickens are still being raised in my neighbor’s house because I am afraid that if I am too small to raise them, I will not be able to update the chicken’s dynamics. So today, let’s talk briefly about the colors of rutin chickens. Let’s see what colors the raised rutin chickens have and see which color you like best.

Standard rutin chicken colors: primary, camel, and silver. This is the so-called domestic tricolor, a relatively high egg-laying breed known as the king of egg-laying from birth to 2 months. The following are the three domestic colors of rutin chickens to appreciate.

We assign rutin chickens with sub-cages according to a specific ratio, usually 2 males and 4 females or 1 male and 2 females. We try not to exceed 1 male and 4 females. Otherwise, the fertilized eggs will drop a lot.


In addition to the domestic tricolor, there are variant varieties of rutin chickens: pure white, tile gray, paired, blue face, red breast, dazzling, raindrop, etc. Take a look at the beauty of the variant varieties.

Among them, dazzling and dressing are relatively rare. There are two kinds of gowns: a black gown and a gray tile gown. The gray back white chest is a gray tile gown. Black-backed white breast is the black dress, long penguins, dresses on the market are relatively rare because their eggs hatch out not necessarily a dress. There may be other mutant species, and there may also be a return to the original color. These are the varieties of rutin chicken. If it is incorrect or there is something to add, welcome it in the comments section.

Record my road of raising chickens, the growth process of chicks, the happiness of collecting eggs, and the joy of scenery building.

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