Is The Rutin Chicken A Bird Or A Chicken

Is the rutin Chicken a nationally protected animal? Is the rutin Chicken a bird or a chicken? Rutin chicken is not a nationally protected animal but domestic poultry.

Is the rutin Chicken a nationally protected animal? Is the rutin Chicken a bird or a chicken

Is the reed chicken a nationally protected animal

Rutin chicken is not a nationally protected animal but domestic poultry.

Rutin chicken breeding techniques

Breeding environment

The environmental health of the brooding room is essential when breeding rutin chickens. It must ensure the brooding room's cleanliness and hygiene by disinfecting it regularly in addition to the cleanliness. And hygiene of the environment, the temperature of the brooding room should also be well controlled, the first period to maintain between 39 ℃ – 40 ℃, the latter every 7 days to reduce the temperature of 3 ℃ – 4 ℃. There are also requirements for the coop environment of rutin chickens. Firstly, its rearing density should be appropriate. And secondly, we should pay attention to its temperature and ventilation; the coop temperature is generally around 27℃.



The feed for rutin chickens should be balanced, diversified, and not too single. In the first month of breeding, you can feed a mixture of soybean cake fish and bone meal, and pay attention not to feed rutin chickens with spoiled feed.

Feeding management

The young chickens of rutin chickens can usually start laying when they are 50 days old. During the starting period of rutin chickens, we should control the temperature of the coop to keep the temperature constant and clean the inside of the coop. And replenish the water and feed in the feed trough at any time to provide a suitable environment for the breeding and producing rutin chickens.

Breeding selection

When breeding rutin chickens, choose high-quality breeds with stronger disease resistance, egg-laying ability, production capacity, and success rate. Take care not to select species with poorer fitness and fertility.

Is the rutin Chicken a bird or a chicken?

  1. Rutin chicken is a bird. The rutin Chicken is also a quail, and quail are birds, so the rutin Chicken is a bird. Because the rutin Chicken comes from the Spotted-winged Partridge and Blue-breasted Quail. It is a new breed of quail bred by crossing the Spotted-winged Partridge and Blue-breasted Quail and belongs to the quail, the same as the quail.

  2. When comparing the rutin chicken with the common quail, the weight and size of the chicken are smaller than that of the quail. The color of the feathers of female rutin is similar to that of the common quail. In contrast, the color of the feathers of male rutin is very distinct and prominent.

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