Is Malaysia Suitable For Raising Rutin Chickens? How Many Degrees Freeze To Death?

Is Malaysia suitable for raising Rutin chickens? The average temperature of Malaysia is 23℃ ~ 31℃ all year round. It is suitable for rearing Rutin chickens.

Is Malaysia suitable for raising Rutin chickens? How many degrees freeze to death?

The average temperature of Malaysia is 23℃ ~ 31℃ all year round. It is particularly suitable for rearing Rutin chickens.

Rutin chickens are afraid of cold; if the ambient temperature is below 0°C for a long time, it may freeze them to death. Therefore, raising them in winter should drive them into a shed or greenhouse to keep the room temperature above 10°C so that the Rutin chickens can pass the winter smoothly. Therefore, if any Malaysian friends are interested in raising Rutin chickens, please pay more attention to my website. And you can find anything about How to raise Rutin chicks.


The Rutin Chicken is a special kind of chick bred from crossbreeding between the Spotted-winged Partridge and the Blue-breasted Quail over the years and is the smallest chicken in the world, with the newborn chicks being only the size of a coin.

They live mainly in plains and low mountainous areas, often in meadows by rivers and high reeds in swamps, and also roam in small groups at the edges of thickets and bamboo forests.

How many degrees does Rutin chicken freeze to death

  • If the temperature is 0 ℃ for a long time, the Rutin chickens will have the possibility of freezing to death. Rutin chickens are afraid of the cold, winter feeding, should not be free-range, should be driven into the shed or greenhouse, to maintain the room temperature of 10 ° C or more, so that the Rutin chicken smooth winter.

  • When hatching, the first 10 days, the incubation temperature is generally required to be 38°C, and the humidity is required to be 60%; 11-16 days, the incubation temperature is needed to be 37.8°C, and the moisture is required to be 75%. The brooding temperature is 35℃ at 1 day, drops to 29℃ at 2 weeks, and drops to room temperature after 4-5 weeks of age.

What breed does the Rutin chicken belong to

  • Rutin chicken uses spotted-winged partridge and blue-breasted quail after years of crossbreeding. An extraordinary chick, mini-chicken, is the world's smallest chicken. The newborn chicks are even only the size of a coin. There are three kinds of Rutin chickens: primary color, chestnut color, and pure white, especially the folding color. Rutin chick is more like a freshly shelled chick, and it is the smallest species of pheasant in the world.

  • The total distribution area of the Rutin Grouse is significant, and it is distributed in southern China as well as India, Sri Lanka, Burma, Bangladesh, the Central South Peninsula, the Malay Peninsula, Indonesia up to Australia, and other places. Although it has a wide distribution, it is scattered in scattered areas everywhere, and the number of individuals is very scarce.

  • The Rutin mainly lives in plains and low mountainous areas, often inhabiting meadows by rivers and high reeds in swamps and roaming in small groups at the edges of thickets and bamboo forests. Due to its small size, the feed should be small enough when feeding, and it should chop up the green meal such as vegetables very well.

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