How To Make A Hand-woven Chicken Nest

When my kids started kindergarten, the teacher would assign them two to three times a month for craft assignments. Luckily, I am the kind of person who likes to make crafts.

When my kids started kindergarten, the teacher would assign them two to three times a month for craft assignments. Luckily, I am the kind of person who likes to make crafts, like old leaf painting and cake plate painting.


This month’s theme was eggs, and the PTA asked parents who had time to make some chicken nests and small egg-related crafts, so I adopted a large chicken nest.

Before the kids were up in the morning, I quietly got up to water the vegetable patch and see. If I could find some materials to make a chicken nest. There was a strange kind of rattan grass on the slope by the vegetable patch, which is long, thin, and flexible and should be suitable for weaving. I also saw some dried leaves from a banana tree that might be suitable, so I brought them back with me.

Unknown rattan grass and dried banana leaves.

When I got home, I searched the Internet for ways to weave a basket and started working.

Prepare six rattan strips of the same length, three drilled in the middle with scissors to cut a hole and the other three guided through the middle, as shown in the picture above.

First, find a more resilient rattan in the three rattan intersections where they will be fixed, and then start weaving. I do not understand. You can search the online video tutorials for reference.

Then keep on knitting up until the required size. It took two hours, and I finally finished!

It just so happens that I bought a fabric chicken a few years ago just to come in handy, and then put the eggs, coaxing children or can.

Other children’s parents’ works are also quite good. Let’s take a look.

This is a chicken nest made of dried weeds, hot feeling.

This is also a chicken nest made of dried weeds, which is entirely original.

Banyan beard handmade chicken nest, very delicate

Children’s mothers also used eggshells to make eggshell cradles and swings, which was quite creative.

The mom also shared the method of taking eggshells: First, poke a hole in the small end of the egg with a needle, and then poke a hole in the big end, which is a little bigger than the hole in the small end, and blow the egg liquid out of the big end, but wash the egg first before operating! The back in the careful little cut! To doll these moms and dads are turning into crafty people is also enough to fight.

When I saw the rest of the dried banana leaves, I couldn’t resist making a banana leaf egg nest in the same way as before, and the effect was quite good after I put the eggs on it.

Dried banana leaf egg nest.

After putting eggs on it, it looks pretty good!

Well, I can hand in my homework tomorrow.

As the kindergarten sets these handicrafts for about three years of old children, with only small participation, most of them need adults to complete. Hence, as most parents sometimes complain, these assignments are entirely assigned to parents? Maybe these parents must go to work and do not have much energy and time to make.

But I would like to say that even if most adults complete it, for children is also meaningful. Because this is the parent’s hands for their unique production, he will be in this to experience the love of their parents and children involved in it and improve their hands-on skills!

So parents and friends are worth the time and effort. When you see their finished work, it will also be a unique sense of accomplishment, and sometimes there will be a feeling of childhood again!

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